$ 50 an adapter makes your Microsoft Xbox One Kinect compatible with Windows - Tech Gadgets Tech News

$ 50 an adapter makes your Microsoft Xbox One Kinect compatible with Windows

$ 50 an adapter makes your Microsoft Xbox One Kinect compatible with Windows ,

Xbox One with Kinect owners may soon get more use the powerful Microsoft camera - assuming those same people are also Windows users. Today, Microsoft launched a $ 49.99 adapter that will make the Xbox One version of Kinect fully compatible with Windows 8 and 8.1 PCs and tablets. Performance is identical between the autonomous sensor Xbox Kinect v2 and redirected to the Windows unit, but this option could save you money if you bought Microsoft's console before the big decoupling. And if we're honest, that Kinect is probably not see much activity at the moment outside the reception of your voice commands and maybe handling Skype calls. Why not give it a new life?

Microsoft also announced version 2.0 of the Kinect SDK for developers, and more interest to consumers, the company enables third party devs to deploy Kinect applications in the Windows Store for the first time. "We are delighted to allow you to bring more personal computing experiences that comprise the gesture control, body tracking, and object recognition to Windows customers worldwide," writes Alex Kipman of Microsoft in a blog post. and it starts today with applications like Yakit, which allows you to animate still photos, talking, and 3D Builder.