Bears quarterback Jay Cutler has called Microsoft Surface 'iPad knockoff' - Tech Gadgets Tech News

Bears quarterback Jay Cutler has called Microsoft Surface 'iPad knockoff'

Bears quarterback Jay Cutler has called Microsoft Surface 'iPad knockoff' , Streeter lecka

The NFL is not a sports league; it is an advertisement periodically interrupted by episodes football.

There is a temple to our most vile capitalist tendencies. It is a place where Bose requires players to place small square of tape on their Beats Studios which make them quite unrecognizable.

There are unmatched #brandscape.

Jay Cutler, best known as the husband of TV personality Kristin Cavallari, do not care about the # brandscape. He just wants to play football - at least enough football to finish third in the NFC North, maybe more if he feels inspired. But sometimes the #brandscape gets in the way, as when Microsoft paid nearly half a billion dollars for a shower teams and advertisers with surfaces.

According to ESPN Chicago Jon Greenberg, Cutler was caught yesterday referring to Bears surfaces like "iPad knockoff"

It's not all bad news for Microsoft - he says the great work surfaces! But there is one thing:

To be honest, I do not know what Kleenex brand is on my desk, I just know it is not Kleenex. Jay and I are not so different, outside the contract to $ 127 million.

Microsoft may want to consider expanding its training program.

Fix: Microsoft bid with the NFL use the Surface Pro 2s, not 3s. References to the surface Pro 3 were removed from history.

The Verge Video Archive: Pro 3 Surface Examination